Goals and Objectives of the Administration

Goals and Objectives of the Administration


Today, expectations from universities, which are primarily responsible for producing and sharing knowledge, have increased, and the restructuring of higher education has been brought to the agenda to meet these increasing expectations. In countries like Türkiye, which try to rapidly increase the supply of higher education, it is very difficult to keep the quality of the supply at a certain level. Globalization trends in higher education and Turkey's involvement in the Bologna process also require quality assurance in education to be provided at international standards.

In the 9th Development Plan prepared by the Ministry of Development, it is stated that in order to develop the education system and accordingly human resources, the lifelong education approach will be discussed, in order to increase the quality of education, education programs based on innovation and research will be implemented, and students will be encouraged to scientific research and entrepreneurship. It is stated that non-formal education opportunities, including e-learning, will be developed and skills acquisition and vocational training activities will be increased in order to enable foreign language teaching, to develop and disseminate methods that will enable the use of information and communication technologies in lessons, and to adopt the concept of lifelong education in society. In this process, the main duties and responsibilities will undoubtedly belong to universities. As Eskişehir Osmangazi University Sivrihisar Vocational School, with this understanding of responsibility; It attaches importance to ensuring that its students receive education at a universal level, supporting their development, and meeting their educational expectations by developing their innovation and entrepreneurship aspects. In this context, it also takes into account the opinions and suggestions of its external stakeholders when designing the training offered.

Today, the main national and international developments in the field of higher education that affect the activities of our school in every field,

Institutional Evaluation Program of the European University Association,

Bologna Process,

EU Education and Youth Programs in Türkiye coordinated by the National Agency,

ADEK Studies,

They are EU Framework Programs.


In line with the goals of the Lisbon Strategy published by the European Union in 2000 and the goals of the Bologna Process, to which our country was included in 2001, member countries of the Bologna Process have committed to "developing a national qualifications framework in the field of higher education" with the aim of increasing transparency, recognition and mobility in higher education systems. Competence in the field of higher education refers to what a person who successfully completes any higher education program can know, what he can do and what he will be competent in.

The National Qualifications Framework explains the qualifications in an education system at the national level and their relationships with each other. In other words, the National Qualifications Framework is a system in which qualifications that are recognized and associated by national and international stakeholders are structured in a certain order. Through this system, all qualifications and other learning outcomes in higher education can be explained and linked to each other in a consistent manner. The degree to which qualifications are acquired is measured as "learning outcomes" by appropriate and objective methods during and at the end of each course / module.

Transformation studies in educational programs to ensure national and international qualifications in the education and training units of our school started in 1993 together with the studies at our university and are still continuing. In the competitive environment that continues on a national and international scale in the field of higher education, ensuring field competencies in all curricula is of great importance for the recognition of our graduate students' diplomas and their success in business life. Our school aims to be a university that will make a name for itself both at home and abroad, thanks to its competitiveness that will increase by ensuring field competencies in all teaching programs.

People and societies are in constant change and face complex questions and problems. For this reason, social sciences are of great importance for societies and people. The way to become a contemporary, modern, democratic and information society is possible by immediately perceiving and adopting social changes and developments. Social sciences have important duties in providing individuals with the necessary knowledge, skills and attitudes in ensuring the balance between the needs of individuals living in society and the expectations of society. Individuals specialized in social sciences are of great importance in the past and future of societies. There are social facts behind the technological developments in the world, and social events accelerate technology. For this reason, it is planned to open and develop new programs in the field of social sciences at our University.

Continuously improving the scientific quality of education and training, providing student-centered education, integrating with the society by creating educational programs in line with the needs of the society, integrating the education and production process, creating educational environments with equipment and infrastructure in line with the requirements of the age are highlighted in ESOGÜ's 2013-2017 Strategic Plan. are the issues that arise.


Improving the education quality of our school so that it can compete in regional, national and international areas, taking into account all stakeholder expectations.


1.Developing training programs to be student-centered, output/result-oriented and application-oriented

2.Increasing the competencies of faculty members in terms of innovations in educational sciences

3.Developing educational collaborations at national and international levels

4.Increasing the practical experience of our students

5.Educational infrastructure includes classrooms, educational laboratories, library, course materials, etc. To improve in areas.

Goal 1: To develop training programs to be student-centered, output/result-oriented and application-oriented.


As in many countries, one of Turkey's main problems is that educational institutions cannot adequately meet the need for qualified workforce. However, training the manpower needed in line with the current trends of the country and regional sectors is one of the most basic functions of universities. Although Türkiye has the potential of an educated young population compared to other countries, the unemployment rate among the highly educated young population is at the level of 30%. One of the main reasons for this is that the individual does not have sufficient knowledge and skills that he/she may encounter in business life after higher education. In order to contribute to our country's development move by reducing the unemployment rate among the educated young population, it is necessary to constantly review the education programs taking into account stakeholder demands and to act in line with the country's needs and based on employment analysis when opening new programs. Undoubtedly, improvements to be made in education programs should also have a counterpart in the labor market. For this reason, in addition to renewing the programs, a quality assurance system should be established to ensure that students who will graduate from the university with an output/result-oriented education meet the professional standards required by today's conditions.

The most important element of education, other than the student and the instructor, is the training programs. For this reason, the quality of the programs is related to the individual's ability to be ready for the conditions of today and the future, to think critically, to solve problems, to participate effectively, to be democratic, productive and competitive. In order to increase the quality of the programs, it is necessary to develop the programs in a learner-centered, output/result-oriented, practical manner, and to continuously evaluate and review them in line with the results.

ADEK studies were initiated at our university in the 2010-2011 academic year within the framework of YÖDEK activities established within the scope of the restructuring of Higher Education with the Bologna Process during the harmonization process with the European Union. In this context, the necessary commissions were established at our university and, first of all, studies were initiated to review and restructure education in line with the developments in the field of informatics and technology and the changing needs of the society and the individual, and to redevelop the programs. A student-centered education model has been adopted that enables the student to be active in the educational process, take responsibility for his own learning, and focuses on his achievements. Our university is aware that the studies initiated in this direction must be completed and a continuous evaluation system and quality assurance system must be established. In this regard, the studies carried out will be supported and completed, and a continuous monitoring system will be created by activating management information systems. In addition, domestic and international accreditation units will be contacted on a program basis (MÜDEK, etc.) to ensure that the programs are accredited. A performance measurement and evaluation system will be created in order to constantly evaluate the services provided by an evaluation team and to ensure continuous improvement in teaching performance.

Eskişehir's physical location, having a developed industry, a developing position in the national and international markets, etc. In line with the demands of the sectors for these reasons, new associate, undergraduate and graduate programs will be opened in the fields of health, science, engineering and social sciences. Particular emphasis will be placed on opening associate degree programs in the fields of rail systems and aviation maintenance and repair, as well as interdisciplinary graduate programs that university graduates from different disciplines can participate in. In addition, studies will be carried out to increase the number of programs that offer students the innovation and entrepreneurship courses they need in the labor market, as well as field-oriented courses.

In the past 5 years at our school, there has not been much change in the number of students because a new program has been opened and the quota has not been increased. All of our students are associate degree students. At Sivrihisar Vocational School, there have been no significant developments in the number of students due to the fact that students generally do not want to study in small settlements. Increasing these numbers with new master's and doctoral programs to be opened in line with regional expectations

Goal 3: Developing educational collaborations at national and international levels

With the information society brought about by globalization, the demand for higher education is increasing, and universities encourage student mobility by collaborating between institutions to increase the quality of education. As a matter of fact, one of the factors behind the educational success of institutions is; They open up to the outside world in education and provide opportunities to their students in this regard, contributing to their individual development. Student and faculty exchange programs offer important opportunities in this context.

Exchange programs are very important for students to gain experience at different universities at home and abroad and to ensure that they start their business life in a more equipped way and with a higher ability to adapt to different environments. Our university is aware of this situation and attaches great importance to exchange programs, which are one of the main goals of the Bologna Process.

Farabi Exchange Program aims to enable students or faculty members to continue their education and training activities at a higher education institution outside their own institution for one or two semesters. The Erasmus program is a European Union program aimed at encouraging higher education institutions to cooperate with each other. Higher education institutions produce and implement joint projects with each other; It provides free financial support for short-term student and staff exchanges. International student exchange contributes to cultural richness as well as education, and serves to break the prejudices in European people's perception of each other in higher education circles with the mobility opportunity it offers. It is aimed for more departments and more students to benefit from the exchange program, which is mainly carried out within the scope of the ERASMUS project. Thus, the number of students who have experience abroad during their university life will gradually increase.

As of 2012, we have not had any foreign students, but 3 students who are TRNC citizens have completed their education at our school so far.

We have not had any students go to European Union countries with the exchange program carried out within the scope of the ERASMUS project.

Targeted Strategies

1.New bilateral agreements will be made to increase participation in the Farabi program.

2.Making a cooperation agreement within the scope of Erasmus

3.To increase the number of faculty members of our school through faculty training programs.


Goal 4: To increase the foreign language levels of our students

Our school is aware of the fact that knowing a foreign language will improve an individual's vision, strengthen his professional competence, and enable him to work more effectively in national and international arenas. After 2012, it has been trying to create a laboratory to meet the foreign laboratory needs of our students. Professional English courses will be added to all programs or these courses will be conducted more comprehensively with effective and more appropriate course content in existing ones.


2.2. Key policies and priorities

1 Developing training programs to be student-centered, output/result-oriented and application-oriented,

2. To increase the competencies of faculty members in terms of innovations in educational sciences,

3 To develop educational collaborations at national and international levels,

4. To increase the practical experience of our students,

5. Educational infrastructure: classrooms, educational laboratories, library, course materials, etc. To improve in areas.