Building Usage Status
Our School Building is 2 km from the district center. is in the distance; Transportation is provided by the means provided by the local government. It was established in a closed area of 3500 m2 to meet the needs of students and staff; There is a dining hall, cafeteria and canteen inside. The use of areas in the building according to their purpose is explained below.
a.Administrative Areas
Sequence No. Intended Use Area (M2) MOQ
1 Manager's Office 54 1
2 Assistant Directors. Room 54 1
3 Vocational School.Secret. Room 54 1
4 Student Affairs Office 54 1
5 Financial Affairs 54 1
6 Faculty Members 10 8
7 Meeting Rooms 54 1
1 Classroom No. 1 54 1
2 Classroom No. 2 54 1
3 Classroom No. 3 54 1
4 Classroom No. 4 54 1
5 Classroom No. 5 54 1
6 Classroom No. 6 54 1
7 Classroom No. 7 54 1
8 Classroom No. 8 54 1
9 Drawing Hall 75 1
10 Reading Hall (Library) 33 1
a. Workshop and Laboratory
c-1 Workshop
1 Machinery Workshop 144 1
2 Welding Workshop 33 1
3 Air Conditioning and Cooling Workshops 120 1
c-2 Laboratuar
1- 1 Nolu Laboratuar 68 1
2- 2 Nolu Laboratuar 55 1
3- 3 Nolu Laboratuar 55 1
4- 4 Nolu Laboratuar 33 1
5- İnşaat Laboratuvarı 54 1
Status of Classrooms, Laboratories and Devices
1-Computer Laboratory: There are 3 laboratories; The laboratory has a total of 87 working computers.
2-Mechanical Workshop: There are 10 working machines in 1 Mechanical Workshop.
3-Classrooms: A total of 8 classrooms are used, 2 of which have a capacity of 30 people and 6 of which have a capacity of 40 people.
4-Drawing Room: There is one usable drawing room with a capacity of 30 people.
5-Projection Machine: 8 projection machines are in working order.
6-Overhead projector: 1 overhead projector is in working condition
7-Photocopy Machine: 3 Photocopier machines are in working order.
8-Printing Machine: 1 Printing Machine is in working condition.
Library Status
In our school, a 34 square meter space was allocated for the Library and a certain number of books were acquired through purchasing and accepting donations. However, since there is no expert in the field; The library cannot be operated at the level it should be.
Personnel Status
1. Director Assoc. Dr. 1 Person
2. Deputy Director Instructor 1 person
3. Permanent Academic Staff: 12 people
4. Administrative Personnel Subject to Law No.: 5 people
5. 4/D Permanent Worker 8 people
6. 4/D Temporary Worker Security 5 people